Thursday, 23 August 2018

Q + A taumarere awa

For the past two weeks we have been doing this. Manu and I have put this down from a slide that others and us have done.

I know some people would swim as well as wash themselves.

Who pulled and who pushed?

I know that back in the day they moved Porowini marae to Otiria On horses.
How many people did it take to bring porowini marae from Taumarere to Otiria?

Wednesday, 22 August 2018

Project island song

Hello this week my class has been working on this first we didn´t know what our trip was about but we had a little chat with our two classes (room 2 and Nga Rau Rangatira) and  the teachers ( Whaea Verbina, Whaea Sally & Miss Norman) Miss Norman was talking to us about our behavior also that only 40 people could only come. So our work was to do a D.L.O here´s mine.

The easy part was to find pictures and information. 
The hard part was to find questions and answers for this.
I could improve by writing more things for questions.

Tuesday, 14 August 2018

Koura crayfish report

Title: Freshwater crayfish/ koura crayfish.

Opening statement: What I'm talking about is freshwater crayfish here's some facts that
I found out. The freshwater crayfish in NZ I'm talking about is also known as koura crayfish
they live in the North Island and south islands in Marlborough, Nelson and the West Coast
in the South Island but they are a little and slightly smaller (about 70 mm long) and
have less hairy pincers. They live in freshwater.

Its appearance is close to lobsters even though lobsters are red but they are the closest to crayfish.
Also there are so many crayfish such as blue crayfish, red king crab, common yabby, acocil and
tons of others.

Their Diet is really easy they contain veggies so they don't really go for flesh so really their like pray
(pray are vegetarians in other words NOT predators-predators are flesh eating their diet is pray)
so they only eat veggies or sea grass (another word for grass in the sea).  

In this the crayfish would meet up somewhere and have a very aggressive fight the crayfish
would try to wrestle  their opponent down but it would sometimes lead to a high risk of injury
for the other crayfish that could possibly be involved in the fight.

Diagram: It starts with a egg then it starts growing then growing till the crayfish is a adult.
The life cycle is really in 6 stages and here's a diagram about it.
Image result for life cycle of freshwater crayfish

General Statement
They really look mysterious for a fact I never knew the full life cycle I actually didn't know anything about this creature for me a koura crayfish I´ve never seen.
So there you go there's the work about freshwater crayfish.Image result for koura crayfish