Friday 19 May 2017

Sorry poem

This week my class and I have been doing a sorry poem I think this might be a good one tell me if this is a good one.
I'm so sad
the earth is mad
keep the earth clean
and don't just walk away and be mean
so grow our trees
the earth will provide us with peas
make mother earth smile
and wait awhile.
So what do you think comment and see what you think about my sorry poem.


  1. Hi
    My name is Tim I'm a year 8 from O.I.S i like your poem cause it shows people pollution is bad and somebody needs to do something about it

  2. Hi, I´m Seannah from Oamaru intermediate school. This poem is very moving and shows what is really happening to the world.

  3. Hi Jackie,I think its a beautiful poem and shows the true essence of your heart and mind keep up the awesome work.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Hi uncle it's good to be appreciated from someone you know😀 😃 😄 😁😘

  4. hi my name is emily and i go to ois and this is a great poem because it tells us how the world is really afected

  5. Hi Jackie! I'm Amelia from Oamaru Intermediate School. This is a great poem! I like the way you made rhyme and used emotive language to connect with the reader.
