Friday 4 August 2017

Doing the chores

Here is a writing about the holidays. We have been writing about when we felt excited, happy, surprised and sad in week 1. Then we had to choose from three stories because I think we never did one of them. So I chose the felling that I felt sad and here it is.
Topic:Doing chores.

  1. Washing dishes.
  2. Vacuuming the kitchen.
  3. Scraping the old food.

When I woke up I had to do the dishes after Sam, my niece & nephew and I finished our breakfast it was like a little to do it wasn't what I expected but I finished then I got to play on my phone for a little while the dishes were so exhausting they actually made me tired afterwards.

But then I had to vacuum up the kitchen it was so exhausting as well because my back started to hurt and I was tired too but after all that long time of vacuuming I managed to finish then play on Sam's iPad it was really fun to play on anyway.

Then I had to scrap all the old food from the BBQ dish with my hands it was disgusting to do it had all that GU and yuck on it I can’t really explained the yuckyness but it was disgusting. Ew I had to do it with my hands it was disgusting to do especially with my hands and after all that scraping I got to play on my phone again.

This is my whole story in the holidays. The easy part was adding new words because I was publishing this from my book to my Chromebook. The hard part was really nothing actually because I just had to copy my work that was on my book onto my Chromebook and add some other words on my writing. I could improve by putting more interesting words in.

Thursday 3 August 2017

Cains arcade

For two weeks we have been doing Cains arcades it's really been difficult for my friend and I. We haven't  really finished yet but I'm sure that next time we do some we will finish on time. The easy part about this is getting all the materials like: Cardboard, Hot glue gun, scissors, ruler, a red, blue, green and white paint, sticks, cutter, tickets and a watch to time you. The hard part was thinking on how to create this. I really could improve by thinking harder and making the arcade game on time because we are away from being done. I have no pictures of what we've done so far but I think I might get some evidence one day.